
Código Morse

0 Review (s)

Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment, and this amazing kit from Great Gizmos provides your child the perfect introduction to it. A fun, easy to use and comprehensive kit which provides your child everything they need to learn all about Morse ..


Colour in Motion Timer

1 Review (s)

A colorful way to demonstrate density. This tabletop demonstration has four chambers, each filled with a different colored liquid. Flip the demo over, and the colors will start to switch places, without mixing! Magic or density? Demonstrates density, color mixing, and insolubility. Dimensions: 13 cm x 7 cm x 2 cm


Construcción Leyes de Newton

0 Review (s)

Engino brings complex concepts into clear focus for budding engineers and scientists with award winning components and step by step illustrated assembly instructions Learn all about Newton's Laws of Motion upon which all classical mechanics are based. Inertia - Momentum - Kinetic Energy - Potential Energy Build 8 working models such as a Catapult, Balloon Powered Plane, Drag Racer, Crash Car a..


Construcción Robotics Pro

0 Review (s)

Programmable robots are part of our every day life and our children are the future innovators that will be challenged to take robotics to the next level! The education system worldwide is evolving to incorporate robotics in the classroom so that students understand the fundamentals of this new technology while developing the necessary building and programming skills associated with robotics. At th..


Crystal Growing

2 Review (s)

Grow your colourful Crystal in the container provided. It’s a fun sparkling chemistry experiment. Age: 10+ Observations: -Contains 1 large bag with crystal base compound, 1 small bag colour seeding mixture, 1 clear container with cover, 1 spoon and detailed instructions. -Always it should be supervise by an adult. Dimensions: 9cm x 9cm x 9cm Weight: 230gr


Crystal Puzzle 3D Tyrannosaurus

12 Review (s)

Puzzle fans will love this original Puzzle 3D Dinosaur Crystal. It is composed of 50 transparent pieces and will challenge you by testing your mind and skills to build a Tyrannosaurus in three dimensions. Once finished, place it in a nice place and its led lighting will make it look very nice. Features:   -Transparent pieces puzzle to form the three-dimensional shape of a Tyrannosauru..


Dado Cubes 10 units

6 Review (s)

A multi-award winning toy that's made in America!Winner of 12 Awards!Dado Cubes combine art and science as you explore architectural principles . . . proportion, balance, structure and color. A new twist on classic building blocks, Dado engages your imagination as the slits on each cube are interlocked to create an unlimited number of three-dimensional structures. Constructed horizontally, vertica..